The Homeland Singers
The Homeland Singers
♪ ♫ Singing our way Home ♫ ♪
In Memoriam

Our Loving Mother
On July 28th, 2021, Rick and Cindy's Mother passed away
She possessed remarkable resilience and strength. She taught us the importance of perseverance and never gave up on us. Her unwavering determination continues to inspire us to strive for greatness, to face life's obstacles head-on, and to never lose faith in ourselves or in God
Her unwavering love of Jesus Christ was shown in her life and how she lived.
Though our hearts ache with the loss of our beloved mother, let us find solace in the memories we shared, in the laughter and tears, in the triumphs and tribulations. She has left behind a legacy of love, compassion, and strength that will forever remain engraved in our hearts and souls
Her love will continue to live on, forever etched within us. We are eternally grateful for the gift of having her as our mother, and though we will miss her dearly, we take solace in knowing that she will forever be watching over us and we will see her again one day. She will always be our Angel watching over us.

Our Loving Father
On February 19th, 2021, Paul Klaverweiden Jr.'s Father, Paul Sr., passed away.
Paul spent nearly 50 years in the service of his Savior where innumerable people came to know the Lord and His saving grace through his ministry.
He was a loving, tender and kind person that left beautiful memories in the hearts of all that new him.
One of his favorite quotes was “Just a sinner, still under construction, and saved by the merciful, grace of a loving God.”
His wife and the “love of his life” since 1958, Joyce, passed in 2012.

Our Loving Mother
On November 25th, 2012, Paul Klaverweiden Jr.'s Mother, Joyce, passed away.
Although we are sad and heartbroken, she is out of pain and no longer suffering. We know that Heaven gained another Angel.
She was a beautiful and loving person, she'll be missed by so many. We know she is with Jesus tonight, enjoying herself.
Don't be sad, be rejoicing, She is in her heavenly home, with her Lord.
She strived her entire life for this reward as she strived to make this everyones reward.
To be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord.

Our Loving Mother
On January 12, 2012 Jo's Mother passed away.
She couldn't make it to our concerts as she would have liked to, but she arranged for us to sing at Deer's Head Hospital for her and her friends and she never missed one of those concerts. On Saturday January 7th, 2012, the Homeland sang at Deer's Head Hospital, this was to be the last concert she would attend.
We will forever miss her, as she always told everyone, “I’m with the band!” One thing people didn’t know about my Mother, she had the voice of an Angel, I wish everyone could have heard her sing. I know without a shadow of a doubt that she is singing for Jesus now. What a Glorious day in Heaven for her. She is with her Mother and her Brother.
I just want to take a moment to acknowledge her as “Homeland's Momma”.
We can be comforted by knowing that she is finally out of pain and no longer suffering.

Come With Me
God saw you getting tired
And a cure was not to be
So He put His arms around you
And whispered ‘Come with Me.’
Although we loved you dearly
We could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
Hard working hands at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove
He only takes the best.
Each time we see your picture,
You seem to smile and say
‘Don’t cry, I’m in God’s keeping
We’ll meet again someday.’